Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Understanding Association And Philosophy Of Terms: Create, Make And Build A Blog

You Need To Build A Blog
Make a blog, create a blog and build a blog, which term is true?. At first glance all these terms are all just same, that is, resulting same outcome, which will produce a Blog. In fact, if interpreted in a more distant and more precise, among terms of make a blog, create a blog and build a blog, is to have different aspects, in which, there are at least two aspects that distinguish them, namely:
  1. Association
  2. Philosophy
Association and philosophy of the term to make a blog, is leading to something that can be done quickly and not really require thought and energy. As well as making a post, making a layout or the like, which can be done in a matter of hours and days in maximum. In addition, nuances that arise from the term of make a blog is instant, less of learning, and its process is fast.

Furthermore, association and philosophy of the term to create a blog, is even more instant, very less of learning, and its process is much faster than making a blog. The term create on the web, you can find when you create an account, create a widget, create a profile and much more, and all of that could be completed and finished in minutes, the longest is in a matter of hours.

What about the association and philosophy of term build a blog?. Association and philosophy of build a blog is the most substantial. If you think and brood, then you will be taken into a dimension of understanding, which has systematic and managerial aspects. The most essential word in it, is Build. Build is a word that most people, will be associated in many things or actions. Words which are very appropriate to follow the word build, will lead to a house, building or other construction forms.

We take as an example is the build of a house. When a blogger associates build a blog to build a house, then he is not only associated, but more than that, he analogous (reversely). Then, in its analogy are buried many basic philosophies that are very important for a blogger. Here are philosophical points of the build a house, which is equated to the term of build a blog.

When building a house, its steps are systematic and sequential, namely:

1. Planning stage

This is a vital stage when people will build a house. Planning is conceptual, forecasts, strategic and anticipatory. The calculation of cost, technical house design, risk and other technical aspects are discussed thoroughly in this phase. In building a blog, this stage is as when a blogger:
  • Determining blog topic or theme
  • Determining and choosing a prospective niche
  • Ascertain whether his blog will be in accordance with any terms of service and content policy
  • Estimating of Does his blog will get a high-traffic in future?
  • Defining, choosing and setting blog title, blog description and subdomain or domain name on its blog URL
  • In essence, all steps will be and should be implemented when blogging runs in future, is to be listed, reviewed and done in this stage, just before his blog published or live on the web.
2. Build a foundation

Foundation is the most under construction and most basic element of a house. Without a foundation, is impossible for a house can be built and could collapse. Foundation in building a blog is same as:
  • Choosing, using and applying an appropriate template for user, and SEO-friendly
  • Ensure that all HTML and javascript codes are based on standards set by the W3
  • Determine on how many bits, capacity of space that is proportional to all types of blog content.
3. Building floor

Floor is a proper construction above house foundation. Floor function is to facilitate mobility and movement of occupants of a house. In a blog is same as:
  • Make site navigation, to facilitate user or reader
  • Create relevant tabs are also, to facilitate user
  • Create pages of about, contact, privacy policy, terms of service and the like, which is as overview and interactive features of the blog
4. Building wall and pillar

The wall and pillar, is a part right above floor and house foundation, which serves to protect house occupants and as a support of house and roof. Somewhat like foundation, walls and pillars are vital to the power and strength of house construction. But wall is more impressive, that is, a look of a house is reflected from its wall. Paint, ornaments, photographs, usually mounted on wall. Everyone can judge good or bad a house, usually is from the wall. Content of a blog is the best fit simile for a house wall. Selling value of a house depends relatively on its walls and pillars. Likewise, selling value of a blog is highly dependent of content therein. For good and quality content, bloggers need:
  • To create original content, unique and specific. So that differentiate it with other blogs on this web, or in a figurative, unlike wall of other houses
  • Useful content. A blog content should be able to provide positive change for readers or users upon information they got
  • Accountable. A blog content must be actual and accountable. If not, then house wall will crack, and eventually collapsed
  • Blog content should always be updated. As a wall of a house that was always painted
  • Blog content should be linked, among each article under one label. Labels, are like rooms in a house, bordered by walls
  • Have a strong link building among its articles. Like pillar and iron skeletons, which are embedded in walls of a house
5. Roof

This is the final construction and is on top of a house. Its function is to protect house occupants and all kinds of thing inside from rain, sun and inclement weather. Roof can not be assembled, when there are no walls and pillars. However, roof remains an important element. When you're blogging, roof can be done as a final stage. For example:
  • High-traffic. However, naturally, high blog traffic will be gained when blog is having good and quality content, in reader's point of view
  • Backlinks. Blog or other website will be referencing and linking to your blog, when your blog content is useful
  • Earning money from blog. This case is also very dependent on quality and quantity of blog content
  • In essence, the house roof is last stage, that is, such as high-traffic, backlinks and blog's money earnings are matters which come from outside factors of blog. You will deserve to get it, when you've built from planning stage until constructing walls and pillars in systematic and sequential. You'll get it when all stages above (no.1 to no.4) has been implemented in optimum, good, appropriate and in ethical way.
The essence or philosophy of build a blog (or build a house), will require high patience and a willingness to learn. Not just create or make a blog, you need to build. And it is a long process.

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