When touching the keyboard on a set of computer, this is actually the moment in which a blogger should commit that he or she will create a document for everyone in the world. Unless the blogger to set its blog for personal or privately, not to add it in blog listings, not to crawl by search engines, or similar such as a diary blog. But it seems that blogs like this are rare, because a blog is a medium for expression to be known to others, or even to make money.
Talk about blogging, at least must consider two aspects or two elements, namely:
1. Blog range. This means that a blog is (as already mentioned) to be known and / or read by everyone in the world
2. Blog time period. This means that a blog is going to age. Blog is not just for today, next week, this year, but could be 5 years, 10 years or may exist on the web forever.
And the interesting thing to discuss is about the blog time period and matters related to it.
As an example and illustration, it is recommended to visit this blog: The Wondering Minstrels. This blog has existed on the web since 1999 and its content is about poem and literature. Articles on this blog amount to more than 1700 posts, but somewhat unfortunate, because since January 2007, this blog activity stopped.
The Wondering Minstrels blog gives a simple overview to all bloggers (especially newbies) about what kind of condition and the look of a 10-years-old blog. At the very least, a blogger has to be planned from today on What would his or her blog look like 10 years later?. Keep in mind that a blogger is not just to create a blog, but more than that, a blogger is making a document that has relevance and appropriateness for the next 10 years to come, maybe even more.
The question is, How to keep a blog can exist on the web for 10 years or older?. The Wondering Minstrels blog also describes some of the answers associated with this question, which, the answers is closely related to ethical blogging. Among them:
1. Consistency and originality of blog content. If a blog has a topic about the A, then explore the A and things that have close relationships to the A
2. Do not do spam. Simply put, if a blog is spam blog (Splog), sooner or later it will be deleted by authorized parties
3. Patience. This is an attitude which must be applied in blogging, when wants the blog live long on the web.
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