Consider carefully the above title, can you imagine what would happen on the web today?, Maybe you'll find that today:
1. The web will appear green, like a meadow which is never touched by human
2. The web browser to load each page 5 times faster, since there are no ads in its page
3. Each forum for webmasters and bloggers seemed empty without threads, since bloggers do not have problems, like being banned because of spam
4. Others that are very much to imagine.
Actually the above assumption or wondering is just as a hint that how a money-oriented activity, could lead to something that is so contrary to the proper norms. Both in the real world, as well as on the web. Included in an activity called, Blogging.
It is money-oriented blogging is not totally mistaken when bloggers do it with fairness, and by the rules. But the fact that we can find on the web showed that all as it has been severe. Hundreds, perhaps thousands or more of blogs are Splogs (Spam blogs), ironically mostly using Blogspot or Blogger, which exactly is a pioneer in the world of blogging.
Then, Is the blogging platform is a party who should ultimately responsible for this bad phenomenon?, The answer is more directed to: No, the blogging platform is not the one. However, the party who should be responsible is the individual, or the blog author. The blog author should read the rules, TOS and content policy, which it also becomes a legal basis justifying the blogging platform party.
In the end, and basically, blogging could also reflects the character of its blog author. Blogging become a kind of test tool or measuring instrument for a person, whether he or she has a good character or bad character. And when a blogging even allows someone to make money, then this really is a test phase which is more difficult.
There is much money on the internet has been waiting for bloggers, and to be able to reach it, bloggers have to pass a very long road. Actually, here is the test, whether to conduct a short-cut (to spam, black SEO, copying content, etc) or do it in a fair and ethical?. Perhaps, when blogging was not able to make money, bloggers do blogging in an ethical way and this web will remain green.
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