Click is an act which is (actually) an essential moment for a blogger when doing an online activity. A click is a decision. And a decision is closely related to the two things, which, these two things that become the actual topic here, namely:
1. Honesty
2. Respect
Blogging is an activity in cyberspace as well as real-world activities, which should promote honesty and respect. There are many good attitudes that should be owned by a blogger, but it seems that honesty and respect are the two most relevant good attitudes, especially for professional bloggers.
The difference is, if a real-world activity could be supervised by the parties or others, then blogging is not the case. Even if a blogger's online activity can be supervised, detected, or monitored based on IP address, but there were still so many holes and spaces that can be entered by a bad blogger to do things that are not fair or unethical.
The most actual example of an unethical act, which can be found on the web is to copy or duplicate content. You can find this case in a number of remarkable. You can check it by using the copyscape tool, or, highlight a phrase on a post or article, then do a search on Google and see the result.
Then why bad blogger doing something like that?, there are many reasons, one of which is because of money. This money that blinded their consciences so they do short cut. Maybe they really are good bloggers, but they were tempted, forgot and shortsighted. They also forget that their unethical activities may be detectable, particularly by Google technology.
In contrast, honest and respect in blogging will surely be profitable, including material benefits, it's just a matter of time. You just need to add an attitude for this: Patience. Indeed blogging is just "a virtual activity", but those who succeed in this web, almost certainly has the honesty and respect plus patience. Like entrepreneurs that take many years to succeed. They're all must go through a lengthy process.
Then just do a left click for an honesty and shout in your heart, do a right click for a respect and planted in your mind.
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