Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Closely Linkage Between Google Mission And Blog Content

Reputation of a big company is usually reflected in the vision and mission. Vision and mission itself, become a foothold for the company in order to walk on the right track in achieving its objectives. Furthermore, company or corporate strategy both big and small, should refer to the vision and mission. Strategy, specifically, can also be embodied in company motto, meaning of company name, company symbol, and even included in the description of company's mission.

One company that has a great reputation is Google. Google, in addition to their sophisticated technology, also has a powerful mission, namely: to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. It must be admitted that this is a very strategic mission and have a long-term value.

For bloggers, given that they would not want to deal with Google, should be able to intelligently understand on what the substance of this Google's mission. Because Google mission is implicit in all of its products and services.

Next, just quote three important words on Google mission and understand it in depth, then apply its substantial meaning each time you make an article in order to build a strong blog content and inter-related. Those three important words are:
  1. Information
  2. Universally accessible
  3. Useful
Three important words mentioned above, has a very strong correlation between each other.

Three Important Aspects To Be Held On A Blog Content
Three Important Aspects To Be Held On A Blog Content
Let's examine the substantive meaning of three important words above:
  1. Simply, Information is anything that can give or add to one's knowledge. Thus, information can be either (in terms of blogging) a word, text, video and image, which when dissected would have data in it. This data was able to assess whether the information is measurable or not measurable. Furthermore, an information which has a lot of (accurate) data, so-called informative. By relevant, an informative information, it would be useful (no.3).
  2. Universally accessible. These are two words, whose meaning is very easy to understand. Universal can be defined as all human beings in the world, especially for all kinds of ages. While accessible could mean easily obtained. If it is associated and combined with information, then this becomes a fundamental aspect that must be owned by a blogger, namely, should be able to provide information, which is easily obtained by users from around the world (and especially for all ages). For example, when a blog's content is about the courtship between a girl and a boy, then this could be categorized as, not universally accessible optimally.
  3. Useful. This is the easiest word to understand both the meaning and substance. Although it is easy to understand, but the word useful actually has a broader context. Nevertheless, there is an indicator or a sign, when an information is useful, namely, information accuracy. An example is when there is a user who searches information about: Which countries use English as its official language?. When there is a blog's article that proportionally, no more no less, providing or answer to that question, then the blog's article is Accurate. That's when the user is entitled to assess and judge a blog, whether useful or not.
In essence, for a blogger who aspire to have blog content that contains three important words as contained in Google's mission, then the blogger must be diligent and patient. Noting also that blogging can be defined as an activity to enrich the information on world wide web.

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