Monday, September 27, 2010

Don't Make Your Blog Appears On Google Search No.1 In A Wrong Way

Is My Blog Worth Appears No.1 On Google Search Results Page?
Any blogger would want their blogs to appear No.1 in Google search results page. And that makes sense, given that blogging is an activity that is consuming time, energy and mind. And one of the most relevant things that by being number 1 in Google search results page, is going to increase the opportunity of bringing lots of visitors, or get high traffic.

But after all, there is a question that needs to be asked by the blogger to the blogger own self. This question is: "Is my blog worth appears number 1 on Google search results page?". This question is quite substantial, considering that it correlates with the matter of energy and time.

What is meant by the matter of energy and time here is that, a blogger should not waste energy and time to be able to make his / her blog appears number 1 on Google search results page, but it's done in a wrong way. This wrong way could mean:
  1. Using techniques and tricks that tend to spam, or just to be able to appear No.1 in Google search results page.
  2. Completely ignoring the interests of reader or user.
When a blogger is successful because it uses as described in wrong way number 1, then it will only survive in a very short time, even his / her blog can be deleted because of excessive tricks and techniques (read: spam). Keep in mind that when a blog comes to No.1 in Google search results page, at that time and basically, the blog is in a dealing with a party that is very entitled to judge or assess the quality of a blog (an article), it's not Google, but User or Potential Reader.

As an illustration, there is a blog that appears on Google Search No.1 because using the wrong way number 1 as above, then there is a user doing clickthrough, next, most likely that what will happen is that the user will only stand a few seconds in that blog (for then the user bounces to other blogs). Why?, because the wrong way as mentioned in wrong way No.1, will only cause the blogger will be wrong in managing posts, in this case is to write good articles that clean of (excessive) SEO techniques. In fact, a good article is like an article written by a journalist for a newspaper. The wrong way No.1, by itself, would ignore the interests of user or reader (on above is No.2).

Actually, SEO is good, if it used in proportional and fair.

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