Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Simple Logical Framework Of How A Blogger (Must) Dealing With Public

Simple logical framework of (general) blogging include:
  1. You (a blogger) write articles, then your articles read by users or readers.
  2. From logical framework no.1 then there are two parties, you as blog author and readers.
  3. Next is, the process of publication. You as blog author, should serve the interests of readers who come from different countries, languages and cultures. They are public who have to be served. They are information seekers.
  4. Then there was an informal agreement (a deal) between you and the public.
From simple logical frameworks above, the gist is that when you are blogging, then you are dealing with the public, though somewhat informally. When a blogger realize that he / she is dealing with the public, then the blogger must realize also that he / she must deal with a variety of things that bind him / her. Mainly, if the blogger is intended to maintain the blog for a long-term.

Parties are referred to as the public, is not only second party or users. But also the third parties, for instance, advertiser, affiliator and the platform with its regulations.

A Simple Logical Framework Of How A Blogger (Must) Dealing With Public
A Simple Logical Framework Of How A Blogger (Must) Dealing With Public
Public originating from third parties, can be interpreted, are outside the line. Sometimes a blogger must agree in advance with their regulation, sometimes in conjunction with when a blogger is dealing with users. For example, when you create a blog on Blogger, then you must first agree to the Blogger's terms of service and content policy. And the process of how a blogger to read, then understand and agree to this regulation, which is said to be the case of Binding.

Thereafter, or concurrently, a blogger should really consider the interests of the reader. Among them is how a blogger should present useful articles, original, insightful, maintain and ensure the privacy of users and many more. It is actually also shows that when a blogger dealing with users as public, a blogger was prosecuted its ethics, in terms of how should a blogger really concerned with the public interest. And all of that, is a binding thing for a blogger.

All above description, perhaps, less suitable for bloggers who are blogging just for fun (private or personal blog).

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