Friday, September 24, 2010

Be Careful Of Blogging Tips And Tricks

All bloggers must have really wanted their blog become perfect in every aspect. Perfect aspects of a blog (but are not limited to):
  1. Having a well-established ranking in Google search results page, or other search engines (SEO techniques)
  2. Having content that is original, unique and useful
  3. Having a high PageRank
  4. Having lots of backlinks
  5. It has a high traffic
  6. Having a lot of subscriber
  7. Very able to produce (money)
  8. Having a good design
  9. Not categorized as spam blog
  10. Fast in loading
  11. Easy to navigate
Related to above aspects, many blogs and websites that discuss, publish and / or offer blogging tips and tricks. In relative terms, it is "their right" to make blogging tips and tricks as their main content. Because most likely, they assume that blogging tips and tricks as the primary content, is going to be very useful for bloggers, especially newbies.

If you are a blogger, webmaster or a newbie blogger, it would seem better for you to be careful and cautious when reading an article about blogging tips and tricks, especially the tips and tricks related to the aspect of: how to get quickly indexed by search engines, especially Google (no.1), how to increase PageRank (no.3), how to get a lot of backlinks (no.4), how to increase blog traffic (no.5), and how to get money (No.7).

Be Careful of Blogging Tips And Tricks
Why you should be careful?. Because all tips and tricks for a blog, which is excessive, inappropriate, unaccountable (tips and tricks are not made by an expert who is known and trusted on the web), extremely encourage the blogger or reader to perform those tips and tricks, and too nuanced of SEO-minded, will only take and direct you to number one cyber crime on the web, that is Spam. And when you've been stuck in spam activities just because of those wrong blogging tips and tricks, then there would be only one possibility, sooner or later your blog will be removed by the authorities, including by Google.

The most simple example, this is actually a kind of trick that is very ancient, is a link exchange. When excessive link exchange is done, then this will lead to link schemes, which clearly is a violation of webmaster guidelines. Because a link exchange would only generate a false or manipulative PageRank. Even if a blog is not deleted due to link exchange, then the blog will no longer be able to participate in a program, which is most appropriate and worthy for ethical bloggers, that is Google AdSense.

Then how when you find tips and tricks for your blog, but you doubt it?. Ask the blogger or webmaster who is more experienced, come to the official forums, such as Blogger help forum and read the official and legal instructions and regulations.

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