Sunday, September 19, 2010

Recognize And Understand Google For Your Blogging

Recognize and Understand Google
If sorted, then there are three essential things when entering the blogging world, namely:
1. Internet connection
2. Web browser
3. Search engine
Without an internet connection, it is impossible for a web browser to function, it is also impossible for a search engine to work when there is no web browser.

Although search engine only at number three above, in a sense that someone can surf the internet without a search engine, but by no means a search engine becomes less essential, especially for bloggers and webmasters. Search engine remains a tool that must be understood and used by bloggers. Without search engine, it is impossible for a blogger to explore its blogging activities.

In relation to ethical blogging, is a must for a blogger to recognize and understand a search engine, which actually it is not just a search engine, in this case is Google. Especially for bloggers who are semi professional, professional and even a newbie, just recognize and understand in advance of Google, mainly all rules established by them. Because actually, all of Google's rules contain code of ethics that has been internalized in them. If a blogger has been well aware of Google's rules, then the blogger has been practicing honesty and respect.

If you are a (newbie) blogger, take your time to at least recognize and understand Google is by reading carefully Google Terms of Service first. This Google TOS is the most fundamental to understand by blogger or webmaster. Google TOS is also derived into the regulation of all Google products, including products that are highly relevant to bloggers, such as Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics, Google AdWords and Google AdSense. Surely you do not want if one year ahead, your blog banned by Google is only because today you do not read and understand Google's TOS.

And why is Google?, while there are many other search engines. There are two explanations regarding this matter;
1. Google (as already mentioned) is not just a search engine, Google is top manager in order to manage the world's information on the internet fairly. Simply put, bloggers are information providers, then bloggers included in Google's mission and management indirectly. So stick to your top manager to not, for instance, copy or duplicate other contents on the web and spam.
2. Related to number one, Google controlled 65.1% share of searches, this becomes a proof that people in the world really trust Google.

So it is perfectly reasonable to recognize and understand Google, not only as a search engine, but also as your top manager, in the context of blogging in an ethical and fair.

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