Thursday, September 30, 2010

Yes, You Have An Approved Google AdSense Account. Then What?

Approved Google AdSense Account, Then What?
Many bloggers or website owners say that to get an approved Google AdSense account is easy, while others said it was difficult. But actually, there is something far more important and must ponder over the following question: When your Google AdSense account has been approved, Then what?.

Yes, indeed, by having an approved Google AdSense account, as it were, a blogger feel like've got the key to everything, just like as a student who has passed a thesis examination. But really, far ahead of them, have been stretched very long winding road. This post is not to discourage you who are blogging to make money, but rather, simply engages you to think clearly and logically, that, no one who became rich in just 1 week, 6 months or perhaps 1 year.

If ever there was one, there must be exceptional, or by a miracle that involves God. And it only happens to those people who really kind and super. Being rich in the context of term, will take a very long time, perhaps the shortest is 5 years of blogging. That's not including financial capital, energy and mind.

When a blogger has got an approved Google AdSense account, so the blogger entered in a situation, in which is almost the same as when the blogger committed to blogging, specifically planning and strategy. However, its plans and strategies becomes more difficult, because it must be coupled with the expertise, and have a care. If not careful, there will be a bad possibility, the Google AdSense account will be disabled.

Furthermore, in implementing the strategy, it must always be in accordance with Google AdSense program policies. And this stage is actually said to be a very long winding road, especially for newbie bloggers. What's strategy?, none other than the strategy to get high traffic, and also maintain it. In addition, for a top level domain alone is difficult, logically, it would be more difficult for just a subdomain.

Except for a for fun blogging, high traffic is not a necessity, but for bloggers who with a great effort to be a Google AdSense publisher, then high traffic is a must. Without high traffic, then its approved Google AdSense account means nothing. If you are a newbie blogger, be very careful in applying the strategies, techniques and tricks to get high traffic. There are a lot of techniques to bring in more visitors, but do you ever think that those techniques are safe and it's not violate Google AdSense program policies?.

That is, you have to (again) learn, even in all matters that are directed to the existence and quality of your blog. And certainly, this will be a very draining time. The (only) way to speed up the acceleration of the progress of your blog, is to buy a wide range of products. Either tools, plugins, softwares, e-books, SEO packages or anything that just leads to 2 things:
  1. To improve the quality of your blog.
  2. To increase and maintain blog visitors.
And even then you should still learn and understand all of these products, and, ensuring that all of these products are safe and in accordance to Google AdSense program policies.

And if you intend to employ or hire someone, or let's say an expert of SEO, then you also have to really recognize the reputation of the person and can really be trusted, including that the person is already well aware with Google AdSense program policies.

Not just a high traffic that can guarantee your blog will be productive, but there is one more important thing, it is the blog content. Blog visitors will leave your blog when they find that content is not relevant and accurate, or simply not useful to them. And how to make a blog content is useful, is to read a lot of references, including a variety of written sources from the real world. These references are not to copy, but for insights.

Getting an approved Google AdSense account is difficult, but keeping it in the right way and safe, is much more difficult.

Don't Learn From The Way Bad Google AdSense Publishers Displaying The Ads

Basically, between the real world with world wide web is similar. Both are inhabited by one of the most beautiful creatures that ever created by God, it's Human. Thus, good or bad the world wide web is in hands of mankind itself. And one thing that distinguish between real world with world wide web is Profession. Real world are those businessmen, politicians, government officials and others, while world wide web are webmasters, bloggers, web designers, gamers, and one example of a more specific profession is, Google AdSense publisher.

A fact on the web shows that millions of bloggers who are blogging, are triggered by the Money Factor. To earn money on the web, one of which is to be a Google AdSense publisher. Then, millions of bloggers vigorously submit their application in order to register, hundreds of thousands of bloggers disapproved and no luck, but hundreds of thousands of bloggers as well, approved or lucky.

Then again, thousands of unethical bloggers who have succeeded to become (newbie) Google AdSense publishers, they just do offhand and rewarding their own success in a dirty manner, they are scheming to encourage user to click on ads, obscuring blog content with ads, displaying ads on pages with content protected by copyright law, or more precisely, intentionally break and violate Google AdSense program policies to make more (dirty) money.

A Tricky Misleading And Encouraging Click Of Google Ads Display
A Tricky, Misleading And Encouraging Click Of A Google Ads Display, For Newbie Bloggers, Don't Learn From This!
A discrepancy has occurred behind the prestige of Google AdSense advertising program, those who disapproved, quite possibly are honest people, who actually just not yet savvy to the rules of the game. Meanwhile, not a few of them that have been approved, are those bad people. Do not know, is it an irony, or is it an anomaly?. But certainly, there is something wrong behind all of this.

Those unethical bloggers and or bad Google AdSense publishers, either directly or indirectly, have taught dirty ways and very misleading to other bloggers, especially to newbie bloggers who are still green and have a conscience inside their blogging. This will be a kind of bandwagon effect, with the simplest assumption is that the number of internet user increase, so then the newbie bloggers will increase as well.

Meanwhile, the newbie bloggers are having a tendency to learn, based only on what they saw on other websites or blogs, for then they make their own conclusions. Included in concluding and guessing on How a Google ads appear on a blog, those newbie bloggers just do not know that when someone has a Google AdSense account, then it can be used on several blogs, including secondary blogs. And these secondary blogs, that are usually used to tricky display the Ads by Google.

An actual fact is there are a lot of Google ads displayed on pages that are protected by copyright law by those who include in bad Google AdSense publishers. At the time of newbie bloggers see this behavior, then they will very likely do the same and it is a bandwagon effect. For newbie bloggers, the best way to learn about Google Adsense is by visiting the AdSense help. Think, be careful and do not learn from the way bad Google AdSense publishers displaying the ads.

Remember that just like in the real world, everything is on the world wide web there must be the rules of the game.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Closely Linkage Between Google Mission And Blog Content

Reputation of a big company is usually reflected in the vision and mission. Vision and mission itself, become a foothold for the company in order to walk on the right track in achieving its objectives. Furthermore, company or corporate strategy both big and small, should refer to the vision and mission. Strategy, specifically, can also be embodied in company motto, meaning of company name, company symbol, and even included in the description of company's mission.

One company that has a great reputation is Google. Google, in addition to their sophisticated technology, also has a powerful mission, namely: to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. It must be admitted that this is a very strategic mission and have a long-term value.

For bloggers, given that they would not want to deal with Google, should be able to intelligently understand on what the substance of this Google's mission. Because Google mission is implicit in all of its products and services.

Next, just quote three important words on Google mission and understand it in depth, then apply its substantial meaning each time you make an article in order to build a strong blog content and inter-related. Those three important words are:
  1. Information
  2. Universally accessible
  3. Useful
Three important words mentioned above, has a very strong correlation between each other.

Three Important Aspects To Be Held On A Blog Content
Three Important Aspects To Be Held On A Blog Content
Let's examine the substantive meaning of three important words above:
  1. Simply, Information is anything that can give or add to one's knowledge. Thus, information can be either (in terms of blogging) a word, text, video and image, which when dissected would have data in it. This data was able to assess whether the information is measurable or not measurable. Furthermore, an information which has a lot of (accurate) data, so-called informative. By relevant, an informative information, it would be useful (no.3).
  2. Universally accessible. These are two words, whose meaning is very easy to understand. Universal can be defined as all human beings in the world, especially for all kinds of ages. While accessible could mean easily obtained. If it is associated and combined with information, then this becomes a fundamental aspect that must be owned by a blogger, namely, should be able to provide information, which is easily obtained by users from around the world (and especially for all ages). For example, when a blog's content is about the courtship between a girl and a boy, then this could be categorized as, not universally accessible optimally.
  3. Useful. This is the easiest word to understand both the meaning and substance. Although it is easy to understand, but the word useful actually has a broader context. Nevertheless, there is an indicator or a sign, when an information is useful, namely, information accuracy. An example is when there is a user who searches information about: Which countries use English as its official language?. When there is a blog's article that proportionally, no more no less, providing or answer to that question, then the blog's article is Accurate. That's when the user is entitled to assess and judge a blog, whether useful or not.
In essence, for a blogger who aspire to have blog content that contains three important words as contained in Google's mission, then the blogger must be diligent and patient. Noting also that blogging can be defined as an activity to enrich the information on world wide web.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Don't Make Your Blog Appears On Google Search No.1 In A Wrong Way

Is My Blog Worth Appears No.1 On Google Search Results Page?
Any blogger would want their blogs to appear No.1 in Google search results page. And that makes sense, given that blogging is an activity that is consuming time, energy and mind. And one of the most relevant things that by being number 1 in Google search results page, is going to increase the opportunity of bringing lots of visitors, or get high traffic.

But after all, there is a question that needs to be asked by the blogger to the blogger own self. This question is: "Is my blog worth appears number 1 on Google search results page?". This question is quite substantial, considering that it correlates with the matter of energy and time.

What is meant by the matter of energy and time here is that, a blogger should not waste energy and time to be able to make his / her blog appears number 1 on Google search results page, but it's done in a wrong way. This wrong way could mean:
  1. Using techniques and tricks that tend to spam, or just to be able to appear No.1 in Google search results page.
  2. Completely ignoring the interests of reader or user.
When a blogger is successful because it uses as described in wrong way number 1, then it will only survive in a very short time, even his / her blog can be deleted because of excessive tricks and techniques (read: spam). Keep in mind that when a blog comes to No.1 in Google search results page, at that time and basically, the blog is in a dealing with a party that is very entitled to judge or assess the quality of a blog (an article), it's not Google, but User or Potential Reader.

As an illustration, there is a blog that appears on Google Search No.1 because using the wrong way number 1 as above, then there is a user doing clickthrough, next, most likely that what will happen is that the user will only stand a few seconds in that blog (for then the user bounces to other blogs). Why?, because the wrong way as mentioned in wrong way No.1, will only cause the blogger will be wrong in managing posts, in this case is to write good articles that clean of (excessive) SEO techniques. In fact, a good article is like an article written by a journalist for a newspaper. The wrong way No.1, by itself, would ignore the interests of user or reader (on above is No.2).

Actually, SEO is good, if it used in proportional and fair.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

What Is Behind The Unacceptable Site Content In Google AdSense Program?

Among many threads or questions in Google AdSense help forum, Unacceptable Site Content issue is the most popular subject. Its number could reach about dozens, perhaps hundreds or even thousands.

Unacceptable site content issue itself is a kind of rejection, upon an application submitted by owners of blog or website, who want to participate in Google AdSense program by becoming an AdSense publisher, where later, their application is not approved by Google AdSense team after conducting a review. Besides the reason of unacceptable site content, there are many other reasons that cause an application is rejected or disapproved, including page type, difficult site navigation, site under construction, wrong postal code and others.

Ethical Aspects Behind An Unacceptable Site Content
Lots Of Ethical Aspects Behind An Unacceptable Site Content
Among many reasons of why an application is disapproved, unacceptable site content issue is indeed the most substantial one. Why?, because it is closely related to content issues, which need to be known, Google AdSense is an advertising program based on content of blogs or websites, especially text. Also, unacceptable site content as an issue has a broad meaning. This is admittedly, become very confusing and disappointing for bloggers and webmasters who have tried hard to build their website and blog.

Here are some of issues that may cause a blog or website included as unacceptable site content (but not limited to the following):
  1. Containing copied content, or not original. Original content can be interpreted as the content which is by using "bloggers or webmasters own words.", Even more than that, that the true original content is content that contains the bloggers or webmasters own ideas, words and medias (image, video, mp3 and its similar). Google used to term a copied content as duplicate content.
  2. Publish content which is copyrighted material, and the blogger or webmaster is not the copyright holder, or published copyrighted content without any permission from the copyright holder.
  3. Contains adult content, including, all terms which lead to content that should be consumed by adult people. Where it should be, its content can be consumed by all age, or family-friendly.
  4. Spam content (it should be noted that spam has broad meaning), as one example, there is an external link in one article that leads to a spam site or blog. Also, for hacking and cracking content.
  5. Number of text-based content is less, or content is a lot but it's not focus on one topic comprehensively. This will cause AdSensebot difficult in identifying and determining relevant ads to its content, and it would not be appropriated to the interests of advertiser.
  6. Blog or website that has not aged of 6 months. This applies to several locations, including India and China. Why should it be 6 months?, Because the requirement of 6 months to several locations as mentioned before, basically is to ensure that a blog's content will be able to be crawled by the bots and easily identified so as to produce relevant and good Google ads. And with the consideration that the level of activity of internet users in each country is different. Both causes of no.5 and this no.6 are highly related.
  7. There are no pages that are used as security and protection guarantee for users or readers privacy. Or there is no Privacy Policy page, especially for blogs or websites with high traffic.
From above 7 possible causes, actually there are some aspects that are more important, for both newbie and old bloggers. Whereas, all of which contain ethical aspects that must be possessed and adhered to by bloggers. Among them are:
  1. Diligent and patient in making original content, remember that blogging is not just for today, but for a long time. Even if passed and was not detected in doing copy and paste, actually being in a position of danger on this web. The proof is, disapproved by Google AdSense team.
  2. Honest and respect. It will educate a blogger to appreciate a copyrighted material. Opportunity for copyright infringement are very open on the web, the only attitude to stop, is honesty. Just imagine if your property is stolen, it really really hurts.
  3. Spirit and willing to learn. Thus, for example, know and realize that adult content in Google AdSense program has an implicit, sensitive and wide interpretation. Includes understanding the fundamental meaning of spam. The best, right and safe way to learn is by reading all AdSense help articles thoroughly and by discussing it with many Top contributors and other helpers in AdSense help forum (some of Top contributors were AdSense publishers for long years).
  4. Focus and concentration. It is necessary to develop a website or blog content that is accurate, relevant and comprehensive. Usually reflected in links between articles, not just links, but links between these articles is to indicate a relevance. If this developed well, will meet the criteria of substantial content, as prioritized by Google AdSense program.
  5. Care. This will foster an attitude that must be owned by ethical bloggers, in order to preserve, protect and ensure user or reader privacy.
Basically, the ethical aspect has been internalized in Google AdSense program policies. If a blogger or webmaster can implement in earnest 5 points of ethic above, then he / she will not get this message in their email:
We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below.
Issues: Unacceptable site content

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Blog Content Is To Enrich Information On World Wide Web

Previously, the following article is more intended for bloggers who will be blogging in order to enrich the information on world wide web. It is about blog content.

As for the very first time someone will be blogging, so he or she made fascinated by one thing, that is, self publication internationally. Feeling happy, that's for sure. How not?, a Newbie blogger, in turn, will interact with all bloggers in the world with different backgrounds. New friends and new experiences, this is one of advantages gained by a newbie blogger.

For those newbie bloggers who are included in a group of "blogging just for fun", this may be protracted. But for newbie bloggers who are more oriented (or can be read: in order to enrich the information on world wide web), then they should start to learn more, not just for new friends and new experiences. In this case, determine a niche, or topic, or more broadly, the blog content.

Furthermore, for newbie bloggers who have a high desire to become one of information providers on the web, then thinking, considering and determining a blog content is very essential. There is an idiom that strongly implies the substance meaning of determining blog content, read this: "Blogging is to enrich the information on the web with a big new document."

A Blog Content Is To Enrich Information On World Wide Web
Just give an underline in the phrase: a big new document. The word "new" in this phrase, has a very important meaning. This means that blog content that you write and build, should be different from others that have been published on the web. This also means that you have to create blog content which is truly original and unique. Even if there are other similar content on the web, but if you write with your own words, then it will have a different substance of information and nuance. And readers or users surely know its differences.

While the word "big" means that blog content is substantial in quantity and quality, especially for aspects of quality, what's meant here is its accuracy and relevance. This can be exemplified on a blog that has more than 20 posts for each label. If there are 5 labels in that blog, then there will be more than 100 posts. And in those 20 posts were also built inbound links (which also reflect its post relevances). So this will have a very close relationship.

As an illustration, If blog content has a topic of, for instance, A, then the labels is AB, AC and so on. Furthermore, the single posts is ABC, ABD and so on. And between the post of ABC and ABD, each have backlinks one to another under the label of AB. From all these examples, A is a topic that made and explored as blog content. If all those blog posts printed, it will generate a lot of pages, which if then compiled and bound, will become a new book, or a big new document.

As an author who wrote a book for many years with great patience and perseverance, then a blogger is just same.

A Simple Logical Framework Of How A Blogger (Must) Dealing With Public

Simple logical framework of (general) blogging include:
  1. You (a blogger) write articles, then your articles read by users or readers.
  2. From logical framework no.1 then there are two parties, you as blog author and readers.
  3. Next is, the process of publication. You as blog author, should serve the interests of readers who come from different countries, languages and cultures. They are public who have to be served. They are information seekers.
  4. Then there was an informal agreement (a deal) between you and the public.
From simple logical frameworks above, the gist is that when you are blogging, then you are dealing with the public, though somewhat informally. When a blogger realize that he / she is dealing with the public, then the blogger must realize also that he / she must deal with a variety of things that bind him / her. Mainly, if the blogger is intended to maintain the blog for a long-term.

Parties are referred to as the public, is not only second party or users. But also the third parties, for instance, advertiser, affiliator and the platform with its regulations.

A Simple Logical Framework Of How A Blogger (Must) Dealing With Public
A Simple Logical Framework Of How A Blogger (Must) Dealing With Public
Public originating from third parties, can be interpreted, are outside the line. Sometimes a blogger must agree in advance with their regulation, sometimes in conjunction with when a blogger is dealing with users. For example, when you create a blog on Blogger, then you must first agree to the Blogger's terms of service and content policy. And the process of how a blogger to read, then understand and agree to this regulation, which is said to be the case of Binding.

Thereafter, or concurrently, a blogger should really consider the interests of the reader. Among them is how a blogger should present useful articles, original, insightful, maintain and ensure the privacy of users and many more. It is actually also shows that when a blogger dealing with users as public, a blogger was prosecuted its ethics, in terms of how should a blogger really concerned with the public interest. And all of that, is a binding thing for a blogger.

All above description, perhaps, less suitable for bloggers who are blogging just for fun (private or personal blog).

Friday, September 24, 2010

Be Careful Of Blogging Tips And Tricks

All bloggers must have really wanted their blog become perfect in every aspect. Perfect aspects of a blog (but are not limited to):
  1. Having a well-established ranking in Google search results page, or other search engines (SEO techniques)
  2. Having content that is original, unique and useful
  3. Having a high PageRank
  4. Having lots of backlinks
  5. It has a high traffic
  6. Having a lot of subscriber
  7. Very able to produce (money)
  8. Having a good design
  9. Not categorized as spam blog
  10. Fast in loading
  11. Easy to navigate
Related to above aspects, many blogs and websites that discuss, publish and / or offer blogging tips and tricks. In relative terms, it is "their right" to make blogging tips and tricks as their main content. Because most likely, they assume that blogging tips and tricks as the primary content, is going to be very useful for bloggers, especially newbies.

If you are a blogger, webmaster or a newbie blogger, it would seem better for you to be careful and cautious when reading an article about blogging tips and tricks, especially the tips and tricks related to the aspect of: how to get quickly indexed by search engines, especially Google (no.1), how to increase PageRank (no.3), how to get a lot of backlinks (no.4), how to increase blog traffic (no.5), and how to get money (No.7).

Be Careful of Blogging Tips And Tricks
Why you should be careful?. Because all tips and tricks for a blog, which is excessive, inappropriate, unaccountable (tips and tricks are not made by an expert who is known and trusted on the web), extremely encourage the blogger or reader to perform those tips and tricks, and too nuanced of SEO-minded, will only take and direct you to number one cyber crime on the web, that is Spam. And when you've been stuck in spam activities just because of those wrong blogging tips and tricks, then there would be only one possibility, sooner or later your blog will be removed by the authorities, including by Google.

The most simple example, this is actually a kind of trick that is very ancient, is a link exchange. When excessive link exchange is done, then this will lead to link schemes, which clearly is a violation of webmaster guidelines. Because a link exchange would only generate a false or manipulative PageRank. Even if a blog is not deleted due to link exchange, then the blog will no longer be able to participate in a program, which is most appropriate and worthy for ethical bloggers, that is Google AdSense.

Then how when you find tips and tricks for your blog, but you doubt it?. Ask the blogger or webmaster who is more experienced, come to the official forums, such as Blogger help forum and read the official and legal instructions and regulations.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

User-Oriented Blogger And Search Engine-Oriented Blogger, What Type Are You?

Actually, there are many ways to be able to appear on the first page in Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page) for a blog. But in general there are 2 ways based on the orientation of the blogger or webmaster. Namely:
  1. The way used by the blogger, which is oriented to the interests of the user
  2. The way used by the blogger, which is oriented to the search engines.
User-Oriented Blogger Or Search Engine-Oriented Blogger?
The first way will require patience, honesty, respect, sincerity and perseverance of the blogger in blogging (writing), even "a sacrifice". This way (method) is like an author who tried hard in writing a great book. The process of writing is in a long time, reading references, reviewing the language style or grammar, looking for inspiration, assessing the accuracy of content of its book, keeping its content originality and uniqueness and much more. Anything that good done by the author for a great purpose, the Satisfaction of the reader later.

And when the author's book was published, aspect of originality and accuracy of the book, at least, will be in accordance with what is expected by reader. This is an illustration for a blogger who is included in user-oriented bloggers.

Perhaps articles or posts written by a user-oriented blogger, will take a bit longer in order to go on the first page in Google's SERP. However, because the aspect of its originality, accuracy and uniqueness, it will gradually occupy the high page in Google's SERP. Because, Google has an algorithm that allows it, and Google is always looking for feedback from users in order to improve the relevance and quality of search results, by placing a Give Us Feedback link in their search results page. Including seeking feedback from users to report spam.

As for a search engine-oriented blogger or webmaster, the way they have done, though not unanimously, will tend to make a blogger forgot the interests of users or readers. Even if they using SEO techniques in a fair and proportionate way, then articles they make will be a little weird when read by the user or reader.

As an illustration and example, there is a webmaster in a forum which states that, at least, have to put 20 keywords in an article. This is really strange, because logically, how can a blogger writes an article while he / she also must manage 20 keywords?. This will break the concentration and focus of the blogger in writing the article. Anyway, this is at risk of spam because 20 keywords will lead to misleading or repeated words. And this is clearly prohibited by Google, or other search engines and contrary to the proper ethics of blogging.

In addition, it is also contrary to the rules (techniques) of writing articles that are generally accepted. Even if you are a search engine-oriented blogger, use white SEO, apply it in a fair and not excessive. And use writing techniques that are suggested, for instance, the Inverted Pyramid technique. However, the generally accepted writing technique, is substantially different from the technique of writing based on SEO methods.

Basically, a blogger is a writer. Both have to prioritize the interests of user or reader first, after that, a blogger or webmaster may use the white SEO. Think the long term.

So What's The Substance Of DoFollow Blog?

So what's the substance of DoFollow blog?
Often found on the web a blog, especially blogger's blogspot, which states: "This is a DoFollow Blog". The statement was clearly posted on a banner, text or even published as a separate post. Blogger who claimed that his / her blog is a do follow blog hoping that its publication would attract the attention of other bloggers, one of which is to encourage other bloggers to give comments.

However, it is the right for bloggers to set their blogs as do follow, despite that fact by default, all blogs using Blogger service is automagically nofollow (blog). An interesting aspect to be discussed is, What was the substance when a blog is set as a dofollow blog?. The only true answer to this question is that by setting blog to dofollow, showing and proving a solidarity to other bloggers who make comments, because dofollow is an instruction or command to search engine bots to crawl external link that led to commentator's blog, so it get indexed and get PageRank boost. Agreed, if this be interpreted as solidarity fellow bloggers.

But, only this that serve as the substance of dofollow blog?. And apparently, Yes. And apparently as well, you should think twice when it comes to setting up your blog to dofollow blog. Why you should?, Read and think carefully about these:

1. When you are setting up your blog (mainly blogger's blogspot) into dofollow blog, then you should remove nofollow tag or command in blog template, then add meta tags on your blog <head>, that is <meta name="robots" content="index, follow">. It would be very risky when it turns out the external links that are followed by search engine bots are spam blogs. In addition, you also have to be extra to monitor your blog if you find that all external links were pointing to a Spam blog. Take a note, Google is strictly prohibited spam. And your blog is very maybe affected.

2. You will only get false comments on your posts, because those who comment on your posts, very likely, only look for the PageRank boost and only aim for their blog to get indexed by search engines, especially Google. Most likely that will happen is that they give comments that are irrelevant to your posts or just say: "Hii, nice post ...".

Is that what you are looking for in blogging? So what's the substance of DoFollow blog?.

Copy And Paste Will Eliminate A Substantial Benefit Of Blogging, i.e Learn To Write Good Articles

Copy And Paste Will Kill You
Copy and paste, these are two words that should be thrown away from a blogger's brain. Once a blogger do copy and paste, then the blogger will be addiction, particularly copy and paste which is done 100% or fully plagiarize to an another article on the web. Furthermore, the blogger will no longer find many substantial benefits from a blogging. Besides, its blog would be threatened a deletion due to copyright infringement.

Actually there are many substantial benefits in blogging, but the most substantial is that blogging without doing a copy and paste, will train bloggers to write, where in fact, writing is a process of sharpening the brain.

On the first day of a blogger writes an article, maybe its article would seem trite when read by readers, but if the blogger do it with diligence, not in a hurry (because of money-oriented) and enjoyed, on the 2nd or 3rd month, then its articles will be more comfortable to read by readers. And in the 12th month or in the end of the first year, its article has begun to have character.

Why so?, Because in writing an article, a writer (blogger or blog author) not only write but also read. What a writer read?, None other than is the references, particularly for articles with content that is measurable, scientific, factual, or that are exact. From these references, an author or a blog author will find many new things, including:
1. Capturing the point of view of the author who wrote the references which he / she had read
2. Learning the plot and structure of articles contained in the references.

Actually there are many new things when a blogger reading references, but two points above are most relevant which can be used as input for bloggers in writing their own articles. The point is when a blogger to read a reference, of course, is to be read and captured its essence, is not to be copied and paste. Which, do a Copy and Paste, it will eliminate the opportunity for the bloggers themselves to learn.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

For Articles They Wrote, Bloggers Actually Need Relevant Comments, Not Just Hii

No Need Your Hii
Blogwalking, this is a popular word among bloggers. 10, 20, 35 or 50 blogs can be visited by a blogger when doing blogwalking. On each blog that is visited by a blogger, each able to spend time in which is different, which basically depends on how interesting blog that is visited by a blogger in this activity.

But again that often happens things off, or does not match with what is said as blogwalking. And this is clearly contrary to the blogging ethically. What is one example that deviated from the actual substance of blogwalking?, It was about to comment on a post or article.

A blogger, has spent considerable time in creating an article. Making articles is an essential phase for a blogger, in particular, in order to explore their ability in terms of writing. This is a phase where a blogger is free to express. Needs to be known, that a blogger (a person) who is very quiet in real life, even in the blogging can be very vocal or argumentative, through an article he or she wrote. Perhaps You are one of these.

Well, it is a substance of blogging, is not it?. That is, writing through blogging is being able to uncover hidden talents possessed by someone. Furthermore, a blogger begins to experience a growth or a positive shift. Where, a blogger started looking for a more scientific references, accountable, insightful, measured, for then apply in writing his article. Yes, in essence, is that blogging is a medium for writing and learning, in terms of originality of the paper.

When a blogger finished creating an article, next is published, by clicking the publish button. This is the moment awaited by a blogger after passing a long writing process as has been described in paragraphs above. Immediately after a blogger clicked publish button, then came a notice like this: "Your blog post published successfully", as the latest status in the publication. Really, this is the most beautiful moment for a blogger, besides feeling relieved, as if the blogger had passed an exam and truly successful.

I think You must have ever or even often feel how much relief this moment, including I myself who do not use English as my everyday language.

So what will be done by the blogger for his/her hard work?, Is none other than waiting for comments from readers or blog visitors. The bloggers who have completed the article with great effort, very definitely, expect relevant comments from the commentators. The ethical (blogger) commentator must also feel as what is perceived and expected by the blog author, and this commentator will give relevant comments. While the (blogger) commentator who is not included in this group, would only say: "Hii, nice blog...". And this often happens in blogwalking.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Must Think In Blogging: In The Name And Dignity Of My Country

The distance from Jakarta (Indonesia) to Los Angeles (United States) is 14447.61 kilometers. It was very long distance. This very long distance reflects not only the distance itself. But it also will reflect the diversity of culture, language, traditions, education and much more.

But it became feels very close and the diversities seemed to be nothing when in the world wide web or internet. Indonesian, American, Spaniard, Brazilian, Egyptian and many others interact and communicate with each other as if no boundaries. And one of the media on the internet to interact and communicate is blogging.

In The Name And Dignity Of My Country
What should blogger think when blogging: "In the Name and Dignity of My Country"
Thus, in blogging, a blogger not only brought him/herself as a person or an individual, but also carry the name and dignity of a nation. They freely shared (usually in a blogger or webmaster forum) in a variety of things about blogging. From selecting a topic and blog niche, blog design, SEO techniques, grammar for the articles, increasing blog traffic, javascript, HTML, CSS and anything related to blogging.

In addition to the above things, bloggers also share all things that contain norms, rules and ethics. Because after all, they had to deal with the same law on the web. And actually, this is the real moment for a blogger or webmaster who has ethics, in this case is an ethics to safeguard the name and dignity of its nation.

In blogging, a blogger that is included as ethical bloggers are bloggers who are not going to do various actions that are categorized as cyber crime, whether small or big. Among them are spam, copyright infringement, stealing of bandwidth, excessive SEO and other actions which basically robs the rights of others on the web.

In closing, appreciate and respect the rights of others on the web, means keeping the name and dignity of our country as well.

10 Years Old Blog And What Should Blogger Do?

10 Years Old Blog
When touching the keyboard on a set of computer, this is actually the moment in which a blogger should commit that he or she will create a document for everyone in the world. Unless the blogger to set its blog for personal or privately, not to add it in blog listings, not to crawl by search engines, or similar such as a diary blog. But it seems that blogs like this are rare, because a blog is a medium for expression to be known to others, or even to make money.

Talk about blogging, at least must consider two aspects or two elements, namely:
1. Blog range. This means that a blog is (as already mentioned) to be known and / or read by everyone in the world
2. Blog time period. This means that a blog is going to age. Blog is not just for today, next week, this year, but could be 5 years, 10 years or may exist on the web forever.
And the interesting thing to discuss is about the blog time period and matters related to it.

As an example and illustration, it is recommended to visit this blog: The Wondering Minstrels. This blog has existed on the web since 1999 and its content is about poem and literature. Articles on this blog amount to more than 1700 posts, but somewhat unfortunate, because since January 2007, this blog activity stopped.

The Wondering Minstrels blog gives a simple overview to all bloggers (especially newbies) about what kind of condition and the look of a 10-years-old blog. At the very least, a blogger has to be planned from today on What would his or her blog look like 10 years later?. Keep in mind that a blogger is not just to create a blog, but more than that, a blogger is making a document that has relevance and appropriateness for the next 10 years to come, maybe even more.

The question is, How to keep a blog can exist on the web for 10 years or older?. The Wondering Minstrels blog also describes some of the answers associated with this question, which, the answers is closely related to ethical blogging. Among them:
1. Consistency and originality of blog content. If a blog has a topic about the A, then explore the A and things that have close relationships to the A
2. Do not do spam. Simply put, if a blog is spam blog (Splog), sooner or later it will be deleted by authorized parties
3. Patience. This is an attitude which must be applied in blogging, when wants the blog live long on the web.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Excessive Search Engine Optimization Is Spam

Excessive SEO Is Spam
Who would not wish his or her blog indexed fast by search engine?, particularly by Google. By quickly indexed by Google, then the opportunity to bring more visitors to the blog, will be bigger. Logical flow is:
1. Indexed quickly
2. Then impressions become higher
3. Because it has high impressions, then the next is an opportunity to get clickthrough, would be higher as well.
And the way to get indexed quickly by Google, is to use SEO (Search Engine Optimizer) techniques.

However, all things that are excessive, will have a tendency to lead to something that is not good. Included also, when using SEO techniques excessively. In the end, to apply SEO techniques that are excessive are similar to Spam. And surely already know that Spam is one of the biggest enemies of the internet. Basically, SEO is necessary to learn and use in blogging. In a note, bloggers use it in proportion and fair.

One example of many SEO techniques is that when using keywords into an article or post. By putting a keyword in post title and a keyword in each paragraph, it seems, is still proportional. However, when excessive, then this case is close to or even can be called a Spam.

In addition, by applying excessive keywords are also contrary to the ethical aspect in making the article. When writing an article accompanied by a thought: "Where would I put these keywords?", really, this will break the concentration and focus in writing of good articles. Even if an article is completed and ready to publish, it will feel uncomfortable to read in the user's side.

Please note, users came to a blog to read a good article, seemed to flow and comfortable to read. Not come to read articles that are full of keywords nuance, or excessive SEO nuance.

There are still many SEO techniques, and an article about Search Engine Optimization, which is fundamental as well as ethical, is SEO technique suggested by Google Webmaster Guidelines.

Remember The Copyright Infringement And Stealing Bandwidth When Adding Images

There are so many specific activities performed by blogger, especially in Blogger. Writing articles, designing the blog look, updating content, including adding images or photos. From these various specific activities, adding images is an activity that seems to need to get more attention. Why?, Because adding the image into a post has a close linkage with an aspect of highly law-valued, namely copyright (infringement).

When a blogger will be adding images for then inserted into a post, it will show a dialog box with two options in it. The first is to upload images from blogger's PC hard drive, and the second is to put an image URL (web address).

The second option is what should be examined by bloggers, especially for bloggers who have ethics, honesty, and respect and want her or his blog still exist on the web for a long term, and not removed by Blogger. But unfortunately, there are still many bloggers, especially newbies, who do not and have not understood this. The newbie bloggers who do not understand how essential this case, usually tend to come from a country that is not so familiar with Internet, underdeveloped countries, or come from countries with most cases of piracy.

Blogger Adding Image Dialog Box
At the time of adding images, maybe you will deal with Copyright Infringement and Stealing Bandwidth issue, and this can make your blog be removed, even with bigger consequences.
Although in the dialog box of adding images along with a Warning: Remember: Using others images on the web without their permission may be bad manners, or worse, copyright infringement. But this does not guarantee that the blog authors aware of the risk that can arise and must be borne. Such these blog authors, sometimes because they really really do not understand about how the use of images on the web in a safe, fair and not infringe or violate copyright. This is really strange and maybe you won't believe, but it was really happening on this web.

In addition, there are many other blog authors too who think that using images by way of putting URL of images from other website, is not risky because they use them for their own personal blogs. And this is the group or type of bloggers who are supposed to understand the true consequences of this case.

Related to this matter, here are the consequences which may arise when putting the image URL from other website:
1. Without doing any permissions to image copyright holders, the bloggers could be punished because of copyright infringement
2. Stealing bandwidth, this is one of acts of crime in cyberspace
3. Automatically, the blogger's blog can or must be removed by parties who have authority.
In essence, the ethical blogger is a blogger who respect copyrighted works.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

When Blogging Is Not Able To Make Money

Blogging and Money
Consider carefully the above title, can you imagine what would happen on the web today?, Maybe you'll find that today:
1. The web will appear green, like a meadow which is never touched by human
2. The web browser to load each page 5 times faster, since there are no ads in its page
3. Each forum for webmasters and bloggers seemed empty without threads, since bloggers do not have problems, like being banned because of spam
4. Others that are very much to imagine.

Actually the above assumption or wondering is just as a hint that how a money-oriented activity, could lead to something that is so contrary to the proper norms. Both in the real world, as well as on the web. Included in an activity called, Blogging.

It is money-oriented blogging is not totally mistaken when bloggers do it with fairness, and by the rules. But the fact that we can find on the web showed that all as it has been severe. Hundreds, perhaps thousands or more of blogs are Splogs (Spam blogs), ironically mostly using Blogspot or Blogger, which exactly is a pioneer in the world of blogging.

Then, Is the blogging platform is a party who should ultimately responsible for this bad phenomenon?, The answer is more directed to: No, the blogging platform is not the one. However, the party who should be responsible is the individual, or the blog author. The blog author should read the rules, TOS and content policy, which it also becomes a legal basis justifying the blogging platform party.

In the end, and basically, blogging could also reflects the character of its blog author. Blogging become a kind of test tool or measuring instrument for a person, whether he or she has a good character or bad character. And when a blogging even allows someone to make money, then this really is a test phase which is more difficult.

There is much money on the internet has been waiting for bloggers, and to be able to reach it, bloggers have to pass a very long road. Actually, here is the test, whether to conduct a short-cut (to spam, black SEO, copying content, etc) or do it in a fair and ethical?. Perhaps, when blogging was not able to make money, bloggers do blogging in an ethical way and this web will remain green.

Understanding Blogger Terms Of Service And Content Policy Is A Must

Blogger Terms Of Service And Content Policy
Often appears a lot of questions in Blogger help forum that is actually quite strange. For example: Why did Blogger delete my blog?. Such question should not have appeared in Blogger help forum, if, the blogger do one thing well before publishing its blogs. What is it?, Blogger Terms of Service and its Content Policy. These are two important aspects that should be understood in advance by bloggers. But this is not infrequently overlooked.

When you (whether you are going to start blogging, newbie or those of you who have been blogging for years) opening the page of Blogger Terms of Service, then you will find this excerpt in the first paragraph:
Before you begin using Blogger, you must read and agree to these Blogger Terms of Service ("Terms of Service") and the following terms and conditions and policies, including any future amendments (collectively, the "Agreement")
Without further elaborated, in fact, the Blogger TOS excerpt above already provide clear information that it should be read and agreed. This fact is strengthened, generally a TOS or an agreement, by just a word in a phrase "you must read and agree" that is very binding, namely the word: Must. As one of Google's products and services, Blogger TOS was referring to Google TOS. And if you'll be blogging in an ethical way and not get stuck in a strange question as above, then Blogger TOS should not be ignored.

Next up was the Blogger content policy, this is a page of notice from Blogger to public, which of two terms or words in it, already reflect an aspect that should not be overlooked by bloggers. But in fact, whether intentionally or not to be missed. In fact, in a separate point of view, this Blogger content policy is more essential for a blogspot's blogger than Blogger TOS (without ignoring that these two regulations are very important and a must for a blogger).

Why is more essential?, because Blogger's content policy is a fundamental rule, which serves as the basis and determine what content you want to explore in your blog. As an obvious example, there often occurs a blog be deleted by Blogger due to its blog, for instance, offers a free download for warez. They or blog authors do not realize that this could lead to copyright infringement, and it can be said because of something trivial, they do not read and understand Blogger content policy first.

Indeed, Blogger is a free service for communication, self-expression and freedom of speech, but that does not mean a blogger can do arbitrarily. Blogger keeps directing everyone to an ethical blogging.

Recognize And Understand Google For Your Blogging

Recognize and Understand Google
If sorted, then there are three essential things when entering the blogging world, namely:
1. Internet connection
2. Web browser
3. Search engine
Without an internet connection, it is impossible for a web browser to function, it is also impossible for a search engine to work when there is no web browser.

Although search engine only at number three above, in a sense that someone can surf the internet without a search engine, but by no means a search engine becomes less essential, especially for bloggers and webmasters. Search engine remains a tool that must be understood and used by bloggers. Without search engine, it is impossible for a blogger to explore its blogging activities.

In relation to ethical blogging, is a must for a blogger to recognize and understand a search engine, which actually it is not just a search engine, in this case is Google. Especially for bloggers who are semi professional, professional and even a newbie, just recognize and understand in advance of Google, mainly all rules established by them. Because actually, all of Google's rules contain code of ethics that has been internalized in them. If a blogger has been well aware of Google's rules, then the blogger has been practicing honesty and respect.

If you are a (newbie) blogger, take your time to at least recognize and understand Google is by reading carefully Google Terms of Service first. This Google TOS is the most fundamental to understand by blogger or webmaster. Google TOS is also derived into the regulation of all Google products, including products that are highly relevant to bloggers, such as Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics, Google AdWords and Google AdSense. Surely you do not want if one year ahead, your blog banned by Google is only because today you do not read and understand Google's TOS.

And why is Google?, while there are many other search engines. There are two explanations regarding this matter;
1. Google (as already mentioned) is not just a search engine, Google is top manager in order to manage the world's information on the internet fairly. Simply put, bloggers are information providers, then bloggers included in Google's mission and management indirectly. So stick to your top manager to not, for instance, copy or duplicate other contents on the web and spam.
2. Related to number one, Google controlled 65.1% share of searches, this becomes a proof that people in the world really trust Google.

So it is perfectly reasonable to recognize and understand Google, not only as a search engine, but also as your top manager, in the context of blogging in an ethical and fair.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Your Left Click Is Honesty, Your Right Click Is Respect

Blogging Ethic Number One
Ask all bloggers around the world, What is the most common thing they do when they are blogging?, Most likely the answer would vary. But actually they do the same thing, i.e click. If not left click, then right click. Thus, click is the thing which is most often done by bloggers. However, instead of click that serve as the topic here, click is just an icon or just to symbolize.

Click is an act which is (actually) an essential moment for a blogger when doing an online activity. A click is a decision. And a decision is closely related to the two things, which, these two things that become the actual topic here, namely:
1. Honesty
2. Respect

Blogging is an activity in cyberspace as well as real-world activities, which should promote honesty and respect. There are many good attitudes that should be owned by a blogger, but it seems that honesty and respect are the two most relevant good attitudes, especially for professional bloggers.

The difference is, if a real-world activity could be supervised by the parties or others, then blogging is not the case. Even if a blogger's online activity can be supervised, detected, or monitored based on IP address, but there were still so many holes and spaces that can be entered by a bad blogger to do things that are not fair or unethical.

The most actual example of an unethical act, which can be found on the web is to copy or duplicate content. You can find this case in a number of remarkable. You can check it by using the copyscape tool, or, highlight a phrase on a post or article, then do a search on Google and see the result.

Then why bad blogger doing something like that?, there are many reasons, one of which is because of money. This money that blinded their consciences so they do short cut. Maybe they really are good bloggers, but they were tempted, forgot and shortsighted. They also forget that their unethical activities may be detectable, particularly by Google technology.

In contrast, honest and respect in blogging will surely be profitable, including material benefits, it's just a matter of time. You just need to add an attitude for this: Patience. Indeed blogging is just "a virtual activity", but those who succeed in this web, almost certainly has the honesty and respect plus patience. Like entrepreneurs that take many years to succeed. They're all must go through a lengthy process.

Then just do a left click for an honesty and shout in your heart, do a right click for a respect and planted in your mind.